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Frolic & Folk Pub @ Iona Heights Inn | Grandona Legion | Highland Village  | GN Waterfront  | CCB Community Ventures
  Boisdale Fire Hall |Feis an Eilein | Rankin School | Hills of Boisdale  | Parishes | Fire Depts.| Christmas Island Events Team

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Frolic & Folk Pub - Iona Heights Inn(Website) - Little Dipper - Jill Chocolates
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  Grand Narrows Waterfront Development Society (Website)  
Summer Employment Opportunities

The Grand Narrows Waterfront Dev. Society is now accepting applications for 2025 summer employment.
Students and non-students may apply.

Positions available:
- Food and Beverage Servers
- Cooks
- Marina Attendant
- Assistant Manager (Cafe)

Resumes and inquires may be sent to: GNWDS@hotmail.com
The Grand Narrows Waterfront Dev. Society is an equal opportunity employer.

Water Safety Awareness Day - July 19

The 5hr program (12-5pm) features the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (CCGA) .-Zone 8 Team. They will be performing on water practise exercises, and providing information about the CCGA and recruiting information.
GNWDS will be reaching out to other Safety organizations in the area to join the program. If you represent an organization and are interested in participating in the days activities be sure to reach out to a GNWDS representative. This is intended to be a educational and family fun event at the Grand Narrows beach and waterfront.
Stay tuned for further details as the day program gets developed.

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  Rankin School of the Narrows
Sgoil Mhic Fhraing a' Chaolais (Website)
Drop off your Refundables at Rankin School

We are still accepting refundable recyclables here at the school. If you are dropping off Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 - 3 please leave them in the two small wooden boxes beside the shed at the top of the bus loop. If you are dropping off on weekends or after school hours, you can drive down to the garage and place the bags or boxes in the new shed beside the garage. We would like everyone to know that we are very appreciative of any and all donations of refundables. Thanks for your continued support of our school.

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  Br. 124, Royal Canadian Legion (Website)  
Weekly Thursday Night Meat Draw & Games Night

Thursday Night Meat Draw, Games Night!
Every Thursday evening
Grandona Legion - Iona
Bar opens at 5pm

- Meat raffle tickets will be available for purchase
- Raffle draws at 6pm & 7pm with five chances to win each time
- Prizes available to win may include: Steak, Pork, Ground Beef, Ham & Fish - Darts, cards and other games available to play between draws

Kitchen Snack for March 27:
Italian Roast Pork Sandwiches (with roasted red peppers and pesto mayo) - yup, just $5

And... on the Baking Table this week, you will find:
Chocolate Chip Cookies, Oatcakes, Lemon Blueberry Scones and Tea Biscuits

Come check it out!
Drop in for a game or hang out and socialize with a cold beverage.
19yrs and over

Monthly General Meetings

Monthly general meetings are scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm
The next general meeting date: Wed. April 2nd.
All members are welcome to attend.

Legion Bar Hours

Current Bar Hours:
Saturday - Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 5-8pm
Friday: 6-11pm


Chase the Ace - Every Friday:
Chase the Ace ticket winner for March 21st: Rosalie MacDonald & Brenda Campbell!
Amount won: $216
Card Picked: Four of Clubs
The next Chase the Ace draw will be March 28
Jackpot: $5,761.50 (plus 30% weekly sales)
Cards left: 39

Chase the Ace Tickets will be on sale from 7:30-8:00pm every Friday at the Legion with draw shortly afterwards.
Tickets are $5 for one coloured ticket or $20 for a book of all four coloured tickets.
Ticket winner will win 20% of weekly sales plus a chance to draw the Ace of Spades to win the growing jackpot.
Participants must be 19yrs or older (bar will be open).
Complete details including "House Rules" can be found on the Legion Website (link above).

Tickets can be purchased during the week until 3pm Friday at:
- The Little Dipper Boutique (at the Iona Heights Inn)

This lottery is in support of:
RCL124 Grandona, Grand Narrows Waterfront Dev. Society and Central Cape Breton Community Ventures Inc.
Thank you for your support!

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Baile nan Gàidheal /Highland Village Museum (Website)
Marag Making Cooking Class - SOLD OUT

*Please email jessica.farrell@novascotia.ca to be added to a cancellation list, or to be notified of future classes, if you are interested in participating.*

Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
1PM – 4PM
Baile nan Gàidheal | Highland Village Museum
4119 Highway 223 Iona, NS

Learn how to make your own marag gheal or white pudding! Led by Aileen MacLean, all ingredients will be provided, and each student will take home their own marag to enjoy. Pre-registration is required, and class is limited to eight students. Cost is $25 per person.

Thank you for your support

Baile nan Gàidheal | Highland Village is now closed for the winter season. Tapadh leibh gu mòr. A sincere thank you to our 27,600 visitors this year and to our many wonderful staff and volunteers!

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Central Cape Breton - Community Venture Àros na Mara (Website)
9th Annual Àros na Mara World Oceans Day Festival

9th Annual Àros na Mara World Oceans Day Festival will be celebrated during the week of June 1st to June 8th, while we celebrate Ocean Week Canada.

We will celebrate International Trails Day on Saturday June 7th. Àros na Mara World Oceans Day will be celebrated on Sunday, June 8th.

Àros na Mara (is Gaelic for House of the Sea). Our festival is a family fun event with ocean themed interactive displays, historical information, music, food and other activities.

The theme for the festival is: “Wonder: Sustaining What Sustains Us”. Stay tuned, further updates to follow – check www.centralcapebreton.com. http://www.arosnamara.ca


Yoga at the St. Columba Church Hall-CHANGES

Yoga classes change in days and times.

Thursday will be chair yoga at 10am.

Tuesday will be mat yoga at 6pm.

Winter Yoga returns on Fridays

Winter Yoga returns on Fridays starting January 10th, St. Columba Church Centre. Chair Yoga Time: 10am-11am. Mat Yoga Time: 11:30am to 12:30pm. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat, blanket and water. If you don't have a mat, don't sweat, there will be a few available for use. Fee for class: Free. All welcome. Instructor: Kristina Rose. For further information email: Kristina Rose at: kristinarose444@hotmail.com. If school is cancelled at Rankin School of the Narrows the class will be cancelled for the day. Sponsored by: CCBCVI, Wellness Committee and Victoria County Community Health Board.

Seniors Social Gathering – Ages 55 and up

Seniors Social Gathering – Ages 55 and up – starting up on Wednesday, January 8th at the St. Columba Church Centre, Iona, 11am to 1pm. Enjoy a free light lunch with tea and coffee provided. Come out to socialize, meet new people and make new friends. Card and board games will be available for use. Learn about your community, listen to a presentation or visit with a friend. We ask that you please not wear scented products. If school is cancelled at Rankin School of the Narrows the gathering will be cancelled for the day. Thank you for your understanding. Hosted by: CCBCVI, Wellness Committee and New Horizon for Seniors Program

March 26th – Social cancelled this week. See you next Wednesday

Pickleball at Rankin School

Pickleball is starting up at Rankin School of the Narrows on Monday, Nov. 4th Time: 6 to 7:45.

See dates below:

Nov. 4th, 18th, 25th . Dec. 2nd, 9th, 16th

Jan. 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th ,Feb. 3rd, 10th, 24th

Mar. 3rd, 17th, 24th, 31st .Apr. 7th, 14th, 28th

May 5th, 12th, 26th , and June 2nd

For further information please contact: Christopher Woodford, Recreation and Physical Activity Coordinator Municipality of Victoria County, P: (902) 294-0063, christopher.woodford@victoriacounty.ca

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  Féis an Eilein (Website)  
Advanced Beginner Gaelic Classes Winter 2025

Feis an Eilein Advanced Beginner Gaelic Classes Winter 2025

Advanced Beginner Gaelic Mondays starting Jan. 20th 2:00-4:00 pm 8-week session. For those with some previous exposure to Gaelic (eg. basic words and phrases). Classes will be taught using GaB immersion. Cost: $40 for 8 weeks of classes. Instructor: Hannah Krebs. Classes will be held in a home setting in Christmas Island. Email hannah_krebs@yahoo. ca to register

Sponsored by Gaelic Affairs lomairtean na Gàidhlig

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  Boisdale Fire Hall  
Darts Friday 7 30

Darts Friday At 7.30 Fun night bar open

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  Hills of Boisdale Community Association  
Boisdale Community Cupboard

Through the efforts of Cyril MacDonald, CBRM Councillor for District 3, The Hills of Boisdale Community Association are pleased to announce the placement of a new Community Cupboard attached to the patio fence at the Boisdale Fire Hall. This service is for the use of the general public: "Take What You Need, Give What You Can." Non-perishable food, clothing items, books etc are gratefully accepted.

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Are you a musician eager to learn and play Celtic music in a relaxed, informal group setting? In memory of the late Eddy Rodgers—an inspiring director and mentor who gave so much to the Cape Breton Fiddlers' Association and the broader Celtic music community—the association is hosting a Eddy Rodgers Legacy Session at St. Columba Parish Hall on Wednesday, March 19th, at 7 PM. Led by fiddler Stephanie MacDonald and pianist Margie Beaton, this session will provide players with the necessary music, chords, and guidance. Fiddlers and accompanists of all ages and skill levels are welcome to join. The atmosphere is casual and supportive, encouraging learning and collaboration. Participation is completely free, and an additional session is planned for March, with the exact date to be determined. Come be part of this special musical gathering!

Windows at St. Columba Church

WINDOWS AT ST.COLUMBA CHURCH-The two wooden windows on the water side of the church will need to be replaced this year at an estimated cost of $2000 per window. As was done with the previous window replacement, any parishioner or friend of the parish who would like to donate a window in memory of a family member or friend can do so by contacting Gregory at 902-295-7843.Thank you for your consideration.

St. Barra's Church in Christmas Island.

St. BARRA, the first church in Central Cape Breton, is the new salt giving fresh flavor to the manna from heaven, the Word of God. At 10:00 AM every Sunday morning the Word of God, transcribed in the Bible, is read and explained for us today which brings the the past to life in our times. The Lord God says: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the one who is and who was and who is yet to come, the Almighty. ( Rv.1: 8 ) Everyone is welcome to come hear the words of God explained, for us today. When : Sundays at 10:00 AM at St. Barra's Church in Christmas Island.

Website for Parishes

Bulletins, news and reflections for our family of parishes can be found on our website: www.parishesofcentralcapebreton.ca

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  Volunteer Fire Departments  
Boisdale Volunteer Fire Dept.

The regular meeting of the Boisdale Volunteer Fire Dept. will be held the first Monday of the month at 7pm.All Welcome

Notice from Iona Volunteer Fire Dept. for Residents

In the event of a prolonged power outage EMO will request we open the St. Columba Church Centre as a warming centre for anyone requiring assistance. If you require assistance before the warming centre is open you can call 1.) EMO Coordinator Lyle Donovan 1 (902) 578-1994 2.) Colin MacNeil 1 (902) 371-0598 3.) Gregory MacNeil (902) 295-7843 or any Fire Department Member. Iona Volunteer Fire Department

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Christmas Island Events Team

St Barra Monthly Draw

The St.Barra Preservation & Development Society would like to announce their new Christmas Island Monthly Draw!! Details: Monthly prize = > $500 Tickets => $10 ea (limit 100/month) Draws => 2nd Sunday of each month To purchase or sell tickets, please contact: Anna Burke Email: annaburke1@yahoo.ca Text: 902 622-6007 Betty MacKenzie Email: mcknzbetty@aol.com Text: 902 537-1759 Alanah Head Email: a_lanahhead@outlook.com Text: 782-777-1044 100% of proceeds go towards St. Barra Church (Christmas Island) building maintenance. Thank you, your generosity and support are greatly appreciated!

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Cape Breton EagleCentralCapeBreton.com Your On-Line Guide to the Highland Heart of Cape Breton.
Located in the center of Cape Breton Island, almost completely surrounded by the magnificent Bras d'Or Lakes - Canada's Only Inland Sea. The Bras d'Or  is one of the finest sailing and boating venues in the world.
The Bras d'Or Coastline abounds with wildlife and is particularly noted as a breeding area of the magnificent bald eagle.